- Gordon: Cramped? My apartment is spacious. 戈登:狭窄?我的房子很宽敞。
- Gordon writes with fervidity and faith. 高登以热情和信念写作。
- We're a bit cramped for space in this attic. 在这间阁楼里我们有点活动不开。
- All these difficulties cramped his progress. 所有这些困难阻碍了他的进步。
- I feel cramped by the limitations of my job. 我觉得受工作束缚,没有什么奔头儿。
- Her education was cramped by her lack of money. 她因缺钱而无法深造。
- Our accommodation is rather cramped. 我们住的地方很挤。
- My bedfellow is cough and cramp; we sleep three in a bed. 我的同衾者是咳嗽与痉挛,咱们三个同睡一床。
- Gordon dropped the cup and it broke. 戈登把杯子掉下打破了。
- The swimmer was seized with cramp and had to be helped out of the water. 游泳者忽然抽筋,因而不得不由他人救助出水。
- Walter was a bookkeeper for this Harry Gordon. 沃尔特是这个哈里·戈登的薄记员。
- Gordon: See you later, Alligator. 戈登:再见,短吻鳄。
- Byron was back aboard the cramped Devilfish. 拜伦又回到了狭窄的“乌贼号”上。
- The shortest way out of Manchester is notoriously a bottle of Gordon's gin. 从曼彻斯特走出来的最短路程,就是那声名狼籍的一瓶“戈登”杜松子酒。
- All these things cramped his progress. 这一切妨碍了他的进步。
- Gordon: Does she also use a lot of rhymes? 戈登:那她也像她爸一样说话特押韵么?
- The two of us were cramped in the telephone booth . 我们俩挤在电话亭里。
- Gordon 's near the penalty area . 戈登接近禁区了。
- Gordon failed to score in the first round . 第一轮戈登没能得分。
- Faber had a cramp in his left calf. 费伯的左小腿感到麻木。